7 Up


Five scouts.


Four guys are sitting in a hospital waiting room. A nurse enters.

"Hello Mr. Morissey (or whatever name you want), I have great news! Your wife just gave birth to twins!"
Mr. Morissey jumps up and exclaims: "Wow, this is really funny, because I work as a talent agent for the Minnesota Twins!" and he exits.

Time passes, and the nurse enters again.

"Hello Mr. Jenkins! I have wonderful news! Your wife just gave birth to triplets!"
Mr. Jenkins jumps up and says: "Wow, that's really funny, because I make tape at 3M!" and he exits.

Time passes, and the nurse enters again.
"Hello Mr. Chester! I have exciting news! Your wife just gave birth to quadruplets!"
Mr. Chester jumps up and says: "Wow, that's really funny, because I draw The Fantastic Four." before he exits, the last man gets up.
Last man: "That's it, I'm outta here."
Nurse: "Why is that?"
Last man: "I work at 7-up!"

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